Current Statistics for October 2024
Back to homepageBelow are just a few of the statistics that GirlsOfJasmin provides for live webcam feminine performers of Jasmin. This page displays real-time stats for the current month (Oct 2024).
Much more details are provided in every cam girl profile page, so make sure to check the entire models list.
Please find below a real time statistics graph of online webcam models during the last 24 hours updated every 15 minutes and various other useful information.
Total cam models
There are currently 226405 registered female cam models.
Time online
These models spent a total of 108120 hours online in October 2024.
Erotic models
We have 154226 models in the Erotic Girls category.
Hot Flirt models
50336 of the models belong to Hot Flirt category.
Fetish models
10304 models await for you in the Fetish category.
Lesbian models
4435 cam girls are counted in the Lesbian category.
Mature models
And 7104 mature models are being counted.
Online now
Right now, over 892 models are #online and waiting to chat.
Photos in Galleries
You will find 12628 photos in the models' albums.
Videos in Profiles
And also 396 Jasmin videos are available right now.
Profiles' Views
Cam Girls profiles were viewed 146892683 times so far.
Models received 50911 votes (likes and dislikes) since start.
Models on Twitter
Make sure to follow over 572 cam models on Twitter.
Cam Agencies
There are currently 5 Webcam Agencies currently promoted on GirlsOfJasmin.
Models' earnings
In October 2024, 7682 cam girls have earned an approximate total of $774513 while spending 13865 hours in private chat. An average of $101 / model was earned during this month.
The earnings have been calculated at an average private price per minute of $2.66 and a standard percentage offered by LiveJasmin of 35%. No extra tips or change in percentange was taken in consideration. We do not take any responsability for the exact earnings and the differences that may occur.